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What Are Good Financial Habits?

Some good financial habits that can help you manage your money effectively and achieve your financial goals include: Creating a budget: A budget can help you track your income and expenses, allocate your money toward your priorities, and identify areas where you may...
Is a Financial Planner Worth It?

Is a Financial Planner Worth It?

Whether or not a financial planner is worth it depends on your individual circumstances and needs. In general, a financial planner can provide valuable advice and guidance on a variety of financial topics, such as investing, saving for retirement, reducing debt, and...

Getting Financial Advice, What’s the process?

1. Identify Your Financial Needs: The first step in getting financial advice is to identify your financial goals and objectives. What do you want to achieve? What are your long-term financial goals? 2. Research and Choose a Financial Advisor: Once you’ve identified...

What are Asset allocation strategies

Asset allocation is a strategy that involves dividing an investment portfolio among different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and cash. The goal of asset allocation is to balance risk and reward by investing in a mix of assets that aligns with an...
What are the income and asset tests for Centrelink?

What are the income and asset tests for Centrelink?

PENSION MEANS TEST The pension means test is a way of determining an individual’s eligibility for certain government benefits and concessions, such as the aged pension. In Australia, the pension means test is administered by the Department of Human Services...